2014 Autocross Season Review: Cut, Print, Champion.

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” – Billie Jean King There are those who are naturally talented and don’t have to work so hard to be good in the sport they compete in; and then, there are those who aren’t as gifted and have to work their butts off day after day to […]
The Nissan 180SX Type X Gets a Clutch System Overhaul

I can honestly say that I don’t remember when my car’s clutch pedal was ever working properly. It has been years since I have felt my clutch pedal push back when pressed upon. I have also ruined countless shoes lifting my clutch pedal up because something was off in the hydraulic clutch system and it […]
Replacing the Starter on My Own 180SX Type X Project

Working on your vehicle comes about primarily for two reasons. One, you want to upgrade or improve something in your vehicle and two there is something you have to fix in order for it to keep working. For me it was the latter reason that forced me to replace my busted OEM starter before I […]