2014 Autocross Season Review: Cut, Print, Champion.

“Champions keep playing until they get it right.” – Billie Jean King There are those who are naturally talented and don’t have to work so hard to be good in the sport they compete in; and then, there are those who aren’t as gifted and have to work their butts off day after day to […]
The Nissan 180SX Type X Gets a Clutch System Overhaul

I can honestly say that I don’t remember when my car’s clutch pedal was ever working properly. It has been years since I have felt my clutch pedal push back when pressed upon. I have also ruined countless shoes lifting my clutch pedal up because something was off in the hydraulic clutch system and it […]
The Cream of the Crop at the 2013 Nissan Jam

Over the weekend I had the opportunity to attend the Nissan Jam event held in Costa Mesa, California. The event was hosted by the people at Connel Nissan and I simply have to say that they did an amazing job of curating the car selection there at the show. Because it was held in the […]