OS Giken SoPac Super Regional June 2013 @ El Toro: The five-dollar heartbreak

To start, here’s a description of the OS Giken Super Regional (from the event flyer): “The Southern Pacific Super Regional Autocross Championship is a two day national style solo autocross event consisting of three runs per day, per competitor. Finishing order will be determined by combining a competitor’s fastest score from Saturday’s course with their […]
2013 June SCCA Super Regional Event Coverage

This past weekend saw two of our good friends/drivers (QV & Jonathan) competing in some epic autocross regionals in irvine. Jonathan Hartendorp, our sponsored driver, even got a 3rd place podium in the event, which considering the competition was a tremendous feat. The field was packed with odd but ridicoulously fast cars and most of […]
My FIRST ProSolo @ El Toro April 5th-7th 2013

I’ve been autocrossing for a good amount of years, 10 to be exact. And in those 10 years, I never ever competed in a SCCA ProSolo event at all. Well, that changed this year as I kicked myself and wondered why I had not done this type of event before! What is a ProSolo you […]
Images From the Opening of the SCCA ProSolo Season Opener

The SCCA ProSolo Series starts off Round 1 in the El Toro Air Field of California. Greeted by the cool west coast ocean breeze, drivers from all around the country showed up. Over 200 entries registered to race side by side with the Christmas Tree start with other passionate racers within their car class. After the […]