Gotta Cool It Now – Power Steering and Hard Driving

One of the things I absolutely do not miss about driving my car when it was KA24DE-T powered was the constant leaking from the power steering reservoir after my autox runs. Some people ran a small power steering cooler to help. I was lucky enough to be able to find a custom power steering reservoir […]
It’s… ALIVEEEEEEEE! Kandi 2.0 Grand Re-Opening

It’s been many months since I’ve updated progress on the car, but for good reason! School started picking up again, so the project was kind of on hold for a lot of 2013 & I wanted to have some significant progress before posting again. I also wanted to finish her up and debut her at […]
I Like Big Wheels, and I Cannot Lie

At one point, my car had all its body panels, suspension, and drivetrain… then I pulled it all out again. Feels like I’m working backwards! On a positive note, since I had to pull the engine again to fix some miscellaneous issues, I was able to make space to get some more optional bracing installed […]
Mother Father Instant Gentleman

With the drivetrain in and the suspension installed, I noticed I had a bunch of body kit parts lying against the wall. They shouldn’t be on the wall, they should be on my car! I had originally picked up this body kit to install on Kandi 1.0 after my off-course excursion during one the of […]
You Drive Me Crazy, I Just Can’t Sleep… Until Kandi 2.0 is Complete

With the footwork on Kandi 2.0 mostly settled, I decided to work on the drivetrain. Most of this work was done at the end of 2011 through 2012 (yup, we’re still catching up on my build, but we’re getting closer to present day!). My road racing friend Jimi had an LS1 setup on his S14 […]
Kandi 2.0: The Suspens(-ion) is Killing Me!

One of the first things I worked on for Kandi 2.0 when I received her was the footwork. There were a lot of parts to transfer over. However, I quickly realized many parts were worn out; looks like spherical bearings on a semi-daily driven car doesn’t last forever. Over the past couple of years, I […]